2024 Rehearsal Schedule:
Wednesdays (fortnightly) at 7pm in St Edwards Church, Cardiff.
Spring Term
17 January
24 January
7 February
21 February
6 March
[13 March - concert]
20 March
Wednesdays (fortnightly) at 7pm in St Edwards Church, Cardiff.
Spring Term
17 January
24 January
7 February
21 February
6 March
[13 March - concert]
20 March
Important information for members
Subs are £20 per term, payable at the first rehearsal of each term. Cheques, cash or bank transfer are acceptable.
There is a probationary period of 6 months. This is to ensure enough time to settle in and ensure a good fit within the group
We ask for full attendance at our fortnightly rehearsals . If you cannot make it, please inform us as soon as possible.
If you have any concerns or questions, please feel free to ask Tom Howells, Ruth Bennett or Louise Hunt. We would also welcome feedback or suggestions for concerts
Please be ready to start playing at 7pm in rehearsals – this is to maximise playing time.
We would like to make you aware that from time to time the group is photographed and recorded for publicity purposes and for use on the website.
Please like and follow our social media pages.